Coastal Residential Services, Inc. (CRS) is currently in service over 20 years of operation in providing programs of comprehensive rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. Coastal Residential Services is located in Jacksonville, North Carolina strategically placed in the southeastern region. CRS is a private operated comprehensive rehabilitation residential center that provides rehabilitation services, community services, and community respite to individuals with disabilities. CRS is operated by the rules set forth by the North Carolina Department of Health and Humans Services. CRS, Inc. offers eight primary programs of services to eligible individuals with disabilities to include: Vocational Services, Residential Services, Supported Employment, Community Supports, CAP MR/DD, and Day Programming.
Mission Statement:
Coastal Residential Services, Inc., is committed to ensuring that all individuals are provided with a home-like and therapeutic environment, which will enhance an individual’s smooth integration into the community. CRS, Inc., strives for an atmosphere of firm, fair and equitable limits respecting the rights and property of others, while providing an opportunity for consumers to demonstrate positive social behavior. CRS, Inc., operates from a model which assumes that everyone can learn, never stops learning, and the rate and direction of learning is influenced by care and training.
Coastal Residential Services, Inc., provides a specialized approach to personnel selection, management and supervision. CRS, Inc believes that the consumer’s interest and well-being are the most important factors for placement and supervision by staff. We will make every effort to place individuals based on recommendations and criteria. All employees of CRS, Inc., are expected to adhere to company Policy and Procedures.
Core Values
Improving the lives of individuals with Mental Retardation and other Development Disabilities. Treating all individuals with dignity and respect. Putting the needs and desires of individuals first. Promoting individual independence by encouraging self reliance and determination.
Believing that anyone needing our services whom are affected by developmental disabilities or mental illness, we will strive to advocate to assist with living a meaningful to be guaranteed the same full and equal opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as all Americans.
Strategic Plan and Performance Analysis
If you would like to view our Strategic Plan or Performance Analysis, please give us a call and we will gladly sit with you and share this information.